Bookkeeping and Accounting
Getting the best picture of your finances starts with having the fundamentals in place. That's why BKE will work with you to get your day-to-day books sorted, so you can worry about what's important.
We help businesses to comply with their legal and statutory obligations to HMRC and Companies House (if you have a limited company or partnership).
Multi-currency payment solutions
Money makes the world go around.. !! Really ?.... We aim to take the thorns out of handling multi-currency expenses and payment transactions that also make the accountant's tasks easier.
Since 1st March 2021
- VAT -
Domestic Reverse Charge for building and cunstuction services
A major change to the way VAT is collected for CiS registered buisnesses. VAT is now collected from the CiS registered customer instead the supplier.
- CiS -
Construction Industry Scheme
Are you a Subcontractor, Contractor or both?
Or are you a non UK established enterprise delivering and installing land related technologies?
We can help with registration with HMRC and the monthly CiS Returns and issuing payment deduction Statements.

Let's talk...
Every business is unique. We offer free of cost initial phone consultations to get to know your needs and for you to see which of our services are right for you. So, click the button and book a free of charge phone consultation.